Monday, 23 May 2011

Let It Flow

Passions are many. They are also ever changing. So how does one decide what to focus our attention on in any given moment? I say, let it FLOW.

I have recently returned from a weekend camping trip to one of my most favorite battery charging locations on the planet. A lovely piece of  natural heaven that also happens to be the location of my most favorite outdoor music festival, the annual North Country Fair I love spending time "freeze framed" outside of time and space in beautiful natural spaces every once in a while to remind myself of the importance being able to "go with the flow" plays in living a truly passionate life.

In our world it is very easy to get caught up in to-do lists, a million self imposed deadlines and guilt over not being "productive" enough in a day. However, personal experience has shown me that it is when I allow myself to get too sucked into that structure that I am often LESS PRODUCTIVE.

Locking into what you are truly passionate about and choosing to flow through day, moment to moment, allowing those passions to unfold through you in concrete ways can be an incredibly productive experience that is way less stressful than beating yourself up because your inhumanly long task list isn't complete by the end of the day.

As my mother has always been fond of saying, "You're always in the right place at the right time".

What makes you feel productive? How do you feel when you KNOW you are allowing your passions to flow freely from within and guide your day? How do you practice getting yourself un-stuck when you feel bogged down by the pressures of daily life that can constrict a person's natural flow?

Please share your thoughts for the benefits of others.

In peaceful flow,


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